
Learn how to get started with OAuth or your own account's API key, follow along with detailed examples, and get in-depth info on the API.

Create an app

If you want to create an app for other ThriveCart users, you'll need to create a public app, and get users to grant you access to their account via OAuth.

API reference

View our Postman-powered API reference to see requests, responses, and generate code in a variety of languages.

Get started in just a few lines…

	// Include the PHP API (installed via Composer)

	// Obtain your access token either from your ThriveCart account, or via the Oauth process
	$accessToken = 'ASYDV5S8-0BSO1SH2-4BH5PO7U-YF8SV3CZ';
	// Create the API instance
	$tc = new \ThriveCart\Api($accessToken);

	// Start building!
	try {
		$products = $tc->getProducts(array(
			'status' => 'live',
	} catch(\ThriveCart\Exception $e) {
		die('There was an error loading your list of products: '.$e->getMessage());

	// Success!